Welcome to Saint Matthew Parish
A parish is for most Catholics the single most important part of the Church. The parish is where the mission of Christ continues. The parish is where Catholics publicly express their faith, joining with others to give proof of their communion with God and with one another. This can only happen with collaboration of clergy, religious and laity – both adults and youth – as they recognize their common mission.
•The Rectory Office is OPEN for in-person visits:
Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 7:45 PM
Saturday, 9:00 AM to 6:45 PM
Sunday, 8:00 AM to 1:15 PM
•For Sacramental Emergencies, please call the Rectory at 215-333-0585.
•Online Parish Giving Your continued support is greatly appreciated, especially during these times.
•St. Matt’s Facebook is your go-to source for St. Matt’s news, photos, event information and rectory kitchen shenanigans.

•Flocknote is the other vital way to keep informed. You can create a user account or log in at stmattsmayfair.flocknote.

•St. Matt’s School website

•St. Matt’s School on Facebook

•FRIENDS OF St. Matt’s School

•St. Matt’s PREP/CCD page

•CYO page

•Children’s Choir page

•JCSC/CSC page (Youth Service Group)

•Altar Servers