Youth Education PREP/CCD

PREP stands for Parish Religious Education Program.
PREP is open to all children from 1st Grade to Confirmation who are not attending a Catholic elementary school. It is a program that gives religious instruction and also prepares the children to receive the Sacraments of Penance, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation.

In the Spring, current PREP families receive a registration form for the coming year.
A NEW PREP family (or anyone needing a new form) can obtain a registration form from Deacon Bob.

Calendar (with Arrival and Pickup info)
Click here for the complete calendar

We have a Flocknote group for PREP.  Flocknote is a free app for parish news and updates.  The PREP group is just for PREP families and teachers.  The contact information on your registration form has been entered.  Download the app, find yourself on stmattsmayfair.flocknote and double check your contact info.  You will receive PREP news and reminders through this app via text and/or email.  For example, on certain days PREP meets in upper or lower church but dismisses from the School Door nearest to Church.  Or there might be snow day.  Flocknote keeps you informed.

Questions?  Contact Deacon Bob at 215-333-0585 or

Special Education PREP
Religious education for children with special needs to help them grow in faith and prepare to receive the sacraments.
For more information, please contact Deacon Bob Burns at 215-333-0585 or